ВЭД в условиях санкций 2024!. Экспорт из России. Импорт из Китая, ЕС, СНГ, ЕАЭС

Проводим сделки и взаиморасчеты с КНР в условиях санкции 13-го пакета ЕС 2024 года!
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We supply partner products at a discount
  • We will find the right products, arrange deliveries
  • Organization of foreign economic activity
  • We supply goods to the EU, China, the EAEU and the CIS
  • We buy goods in the EU, China, the EAEU and the CIS


Оформление электронного заказа
Request sent by a foreign trade party
Preliminary delivery cost calculated
Contract is negotiated and signed with the customer
Contract is signed with the foreign supplier
Customer in Russia pays for the goods
Foreign supplier is paid for the goods
Goods are shipped from the supplier’s warehouse and delivered to Russia
Customs formalities and logistics are managed
Goods are shipped to the customer from any customs point in the country
Хранение товаров на складе


Подписание контракта
Request sent by a foreign trade party
Agree on delivery terms under an international contract
Goods are purchased under a regular sales contract
International contract with the foreign partner signed
Money is transferred from the foreign partner to a bank account
All required customs documents are completed and processed
Optimal transportation selected and all required paperwork processed
Goods are shipped from the exporter’s warehouse terminal
Goods are delivered to the foreign partner’s unloading point

Оптовая торговля импортными и экспортными товарами

We buy goods in the EU, we will ensure the purchase of any goods in Germany and successfully organize customs clearance, on legal terms from Europe and other countries. We offer products from the catalogs of our customers. We carry out deliveries of import and export products of a very wide range. We are ready to supply competitive products, import or export, at interesting prices

Suppliers of products and goods

Cases of the company with foreign trade clients

We offer to transfer the full package or part of the work related to foreign economic activity to the specialists of the TIM-EXPO company. We will help to qualitatively conduct import and export foreign trade transactions for foreign and Russian companies. We supply products and goods of our customers and partners at special prices
Июль 2022
Организация экспорта для ЧП «STIMUL MED» в г.Ташкент
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Организовали экспортную поставку для клиники в Республике Узбекистан, которая обратилась, с запросом на организацию внешнеторговой сделки, на поставку медицинских аппаратов для механотерапии. Менеджеры ТИМ-ЭКСПО оказали помощь в подборе оборудования по каталогу производителя, и полностью организовали поставку.

Do you have any questions?

Let our specialists guide you through the goods offered, shipment terms and other details of bulk import or export sales.

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